Earn Money with Google Adsense Third Party Ads

The Google content network has started accepting and displaying advertisements from qualified third-party vendors. This means that Google Adsense publishers will now have more variety of ad inventory and more ad spot competition which will help webmasters earn more money from the Adsense program.
Google suggests that Ad servers, rich media ad agencies and research firms can go through a certification process. They now have the ability to serve ads and measure performance through these certified third parties:
Advertiser ad servers: DoubleClick (DFA), MediaplexRich media agencies: DoubleClick Rich Media, Eyeblaster, EyeWonder, Interpolls, PointRoll, UnicastResearch firms: Dynamic Logic, IAG Research, InsightExpress, Factor TG
They also provide some insight to allow third-party ads on your site:
1. Third-party ads are only available in image or Flash - this means if you are opting for text only unit, switch them to image+text ads so that you can get full advantage of the ad competition.
Remember image ads are available in the following formats only and you can switch to these ad unit sizes to take full advantage of these third party ads
leaderboard (728×90)
banner (468×60)
skyscraper (120×600)
square (250×250)
small square (200×200)
medium rectangle (300×250)
large rectangle (336×280)
wide skyscraper (160×600)
2. Third-party ads usually target specific websites - make a custom channel into an targetable ad placement. Placement targeting allows advertisers to choose specific ad placements where they’d like their ads to appear. An ad placement can be an entire website or a specific sub-set of ad units within that site.
Of course you can use the recently launched Ad Review Center to filter specific placement-targeted ads. But I suggest you give this new option a try and track using channels to see if the your Adsense ad units are now making more money online.

Optimize Google Adsense For Blogs

How many times have you tried altering the placement of your Google Adsense ads to get a better click through rate and make extra money.
Google Adsense blog’s article Blogtimize presents some tips that will help you place the ads on your blogs better and get a higher CTR and earn more money.

Using these images they demonstrate the best position for your ad units. And other notable tips are Choose the right ad formats, Place ads where your readers will notice, Improve targeting and Customize your ad colors.

New Google Adsense Small Square 200×200 Ad Unit

Google Adsense publishers can now optimize their ad space better with a new ad unit called the Small square which has a height and width of 200px. This small square 200×200 ad unit is a welcome addition and fill a much needed requirement.
This ad format will support text as well as images. The unit will display 2 text ads everytime. Get ready to optimize your site to incorporate the new ads unit…

Adsense Miscellaneous

Google AdSense Stats Syndrome (GASS) - the compulsive need to check AdSense stats every 15 minutes or so to see how much you’ve earned since your prior login. more.

Adsense Chats and Forums

Inside AdSense blog - Official blog that posts new tips and information about new AdSense features.
Adsense Help - Google group for adsense support. Only posts from user ‘AdSensePro’ are approved by Google.
Digitalpoint Adsense Forum - discusses Adsense payments, guidelines, stats and reporting and much more.
Webmaster World Adsense Forum - Discussions around Googles Text Ad service AdSense.

Alternate Ads

Alternate ads - allows you to utilize your ad space in the event that Google is unable to serve targeted ads to your page.
Alternate Url - provides a 50/50 Revenue Share, full global coverage monthly payments automatic referral income, family safe ads, paypal supported and gives detailed stats.
AlterNut Ad - pays you a flat rate every month in return for you displaying thier ad rather than the PSA. Invite only.
Default Ads - load your affiliate or other ads into DefaultAds and generate a link to include in your Google Adsense alternate ad URL. They show their own ads 1 out of every 100 impressions for this service.

Google Adsense Optimization Tips

Adsense Success Case Studies - detailing success stories from top adsense publishers.
AdSense Optimization for Forums - get higher CTR by a unique adsense placement strategy.
Blogtimize! - ad placement for blogs for higher CTR
Adsense Optimization Tips - General tips for better ads postitioning and earn higher revenue.
Adsense Webinars - online seminars that help publishers obtain the highest results from their implementations of AdSense.
How to increase Google Adsense CTR - simple tips on colors and ad placement can increase CTR.
The Best of Eyetrack III - What We Saw When We Looked Through Their Eyes. How readers scan a webpage.
How to Remove Public Service Ads - simple tips to help you remove non paying PSA ads.
AdsBlackList - will teach you how to seek, recognize and filter low paying google ads.
Yahoo Ads placement tips - suggestions to place Yahoo publisher network ads. Apply the same idea to adsense ads.
Rotate Google Adsense Ads Colors - helps to reduce Ad Blindness
High Paying Adsense Keywords - updated list of current highest paying keywords for Google Adsense.

View / Test Adsense Ads

Google AdSense preview tool - addition to the right-click menu for Windows Internet Explorer 6.x, allowing you to preview the ads that may show on any web page.
Adsense Preview - Preview the Google ads that may show on any web page.
Google AdSense Sandbox Tool - see what sort of Google AdSense ads will appear based on content or keywords. See up to 20 sample AdSense ads for the URL or keywords.
Overture Keyword Tool - suggest keyword bid amount and keyword suggestions, which help you target high paying keywords.
Google Adwords Keyword Tool - generates potential keywords for your ad campaign and reports their Google statistics, including search performance and seasonal trends.
Google Adsense Wordpress Plugins
AdRotator Wordpress Plugin - rotate your adsense ads with other affiliate programs like Chitika Eminimalls
Adsense Deluxe - offering advanced options for managing the automatic insertion of Google AdSense or Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN) ads to your WordPress posts.
Adsense Injection - inserts Adsense code randomly into a pre-existing blog.
Adsense Inline - insert adsense in blog posts
AdSense Widget for WordPress Sidebar - Google AdSense widget I designed for the new WordPress Sidebar Widgets plug-in

Track Adsense Income, Statistics and Clicks

Adsense Notifier - Firefox extension that displays your Adsense earnings on the Firefox statusbar.
SysSense - personal desktop Google AdSense monitor. It keeps your current Google AdSense information in the Windows system tray.
Adsense Widget - a Mac Dashboard widget that automatically logs into your AdSense Google account and displays the last 6-days of revenue generated from your Google advertising account.
Google Adsense Yahoo Widget - displays the current income directly from your Google AdSense account.
Stats for AdSense widget - allows you to view your Google AdSense™ reports directly from your Mac OS X Dashboard.
Adsense Status - GoogleDesktop plugin to View earnings information from your Google Adsense account in the Google Desktop sidebar. Available information: page impressions, clicks, page CTR, page eCPM, and your earnings.
Adsense Alert - desktop client monitors your adsense earnings.
Performancing Metrics - a free professional grade blog statistics service that track limited adsense click data
Adsense earnings RSS feed - a simple script that will create an RSS feed with your daily Adsense earnings to track via your regular feed reader.
Google AdSense Charts and Graphs - chart your adsense data in a multidimensional line charts.
AdSenseLog is a tool for checking and analyzing your Adsense ads data (Content, Search, Custom/URL channels and Referrals).

Adsense Starter Demos

Google Adsense Tour - introducing you to the Adsense program.
Getting Started Demo: learn to sign in, copying and pasting your code, setting up alternate ads, and using your Competitive Ad Filter.
Help with Ad Code Demo: troubleshoot basic problems when implementing your code. Also covers how to implement your code using two different types of WYSIWYG software.
Payment Demo: learn about the AdSense payment cycle, from a click on your ads to money in the bank!
Optimization Demo: learn how to use ad size and placement to maximize your AdSense revenue.

Google Adsense Guidelines

Program policies, Terms and conditions - follow these rules.
Adsense FAQ - The Adsense support centre for official guidelines.
Adsense Tax information - how google collects and uses your tax information
Adsense Taxes - a free resource about paying income tax on Google Adsense Revenue.
15 Common Adsense Mistakes - Avoid these errors that could get your adsense account banned.
Ad formats - Official list of different types of ad formats you can use.
Webmaster Guidelines - will help Google find, index, and rank your site.
Report a policy violation - If you notice a site displaying Google ads that you believe is violating program policies, let them know

How to Earn Money with Google Adsense

Google’s AdSense is a fascinating revenue-sharing opportunity for small, medium and large web sites. Some webmasters are designing brand new sites specifically for serving AdSense text ads. (It’s against the AdSense rules to design a site purely for AdSense, so you’ll want to include a few Affiliate links or sell your own product, too.)


1. Determine a goal for what you want to earn using AdSense. Of course, you want to earn a lot, but make sure it's realistic.

2. Consider that to earn $1 a day per page, you need, per page…
400 visitors, 5% click-through rate (CTR) and average 5c payout.
Or 200 visitors, 10% CTR and an average 5c payout.
Or 100 visitors, 10% CTR, and an average 10c payout.
Or 100 visitors, 5% CTR, and an average 20c payout
3. Consider whether these goals will be possible given your site. If it's too tough, create two sites, each attracting half the number.
Start building keyword-rich pages containing well researched, profitable keywords, and get lots of high quality links to your site. For example, if your site is about topics such as debt consolidation, web hosting or asbestos-related cancer, you’ll earn much more per click than if it’s about free things. On the other hand, if you concentrate only on top-paying keywords, you’ll face an awful lot of tough competition. What you want are keywords that are high in demand and low in supply, So do some careful keyword research before you build your pages


Quality is the most important for any web site, if your site does not contain the content of expected quality the visitor might not come back, So be there with high quality.
A great resource for earning money is using sites like http://www.flixya.com. You can sign up for Google Adsense and Flixya, without the costs or time needed to build traffic or your own site.


Do not start a site just for displaying ads from adsense. People will find that this site is full of ads

What is Google Adsense???

Google Adsense is one of the most successful online advertising programs today. This website is a guide to the Adsense program, that describes all major aspects, tips and optimizations of the program to help you have the best experience with Google Adsense.
As a webmaster, Google's Adsense program can be a possible income stream from your website, an income that can range from a few dollars to several hundred dollars a month....

Many hours have gone into researching the content for this website, and it will be constantly updated with the latest content related to Google Adsense.
The Google Adsense program is a great alternative, or even replacement, for the outdated banner programs. Today more and more internet users have gone "blind" to banner advertising, and thereby threatening your advertisement income as a webmaster.
Here is what Google writes about it's adsense program:
"Google Adsense is the programme that can generate advertising revenue from each page on your website—with a minimal investment in time and no additional resources. Adsense delivers relevant ads that are precisely targeted on a page-by-page basisto the content people find on your site. And when you add a Google search box to your site, Adsense delivers relevant ads that are targeted to the Google search results pages generated by your visitors’ search request.You can customise the appearance of ads, choosing from a wide range of colours and templates. You can do the same with your search results page. Your reports are customisable, too. Flexible reporting tools let you group your pages in any way you want so you can view your results by URL, domain, ad type, category and more to learn where your earnings are coming from."
Google Adsense ads, are highly content relevant ads, that are served directly on your pages - without your intervention. For you as a webmaster, this means that you simply paste the Google Adsense code on your pages, and thereafter have a constantly updated and relevant advertising income.
You can see an example of Google's Adsense on the top of this page.
The Google Adsense program serves ads generated by AdWords users on Adsense publishers webpage's. The Adsense ad layout can be fully customised to fit your excisting website design, in regards to both size, placement, colours and much more.